
K-4 Curriculum

K-4 Curriculum

来到麦当劳的学生有着各种各样的经历和背景. 他们天生好奇,渴望学习. 在我们敬业的老师的悉心照顾下, 学生智力成长, artistically, physically, socially, and emotionally. 由我们全校的租客指导 LifeReady Strategic Plan, our creative and coordinated academic program provides the stimulation and direction necessary to challenge eager young minds. 孩子们被鼓励做真实的自己, 承担智力风险, 甚至在我们安全和支持的环境中犯错误.

Typically, students are grouped into four homeroom sections of approximately 16 students where they learn reading, writing, phonics, language arts, math, and social studies. 特殊科目教师指导学生进行全球联系, library/media, performing arts, physical education, science, Spanish, visual arts, and technology.



我们全面的识字方法包括音位意识, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. Teachers are specially trained to provide differentiated instruction using systematic and explicit phonics instruction, 个性化词汇工具, grammar training, and the newly updated Units of Study from Columbia University’s Advancing Literacy at Teachers College. Each classroom has a library stocked with high-interest fiction and nonfiction books of every genre filled with diverse characters that appeal to children of all reading levels and support student choice. 利用阅读和写作之间的相互关系, students gain skills and confidence as they develop a passion for literacy in all its forms.


In Lower School math, 学生学习“如何”背后的“为什么”,这将导致更深层次的数学思维,远远超出死记硬背的流畅性. This learning model asks students to first develop their mathematical reasoning before connecting their understanding to concepts and skills. 教师使用直接指导, 不同的小团体, independent practice, and a hands-on, 合作的方法来发展和建立数学理解. 由霍顿米夫林哈考特的数学课程指导, students see the importance of math in everyday life and learn growth mindset strategies that encourage resilience, critical thinking, and problem-solving.

Social Studies

社会研究项目使用 LifeReady framework and national standards to help students develop the understanding and knowledge needed to be active participants in their ever-changing world. Each year, students build on their prior knowledge and expand their understanding of overarching concepts and ideas. 人、地点和环境之间的关系是什么? 视角如何影响一个人对历史的理解? 我的权利和他人的权利是什么? 

孩子们被要求在探索社区领域的同时反思这些伟大的想法, climate, geography, government systems, history, and change, among many others. 通过这种基于查询的方法, 学生学会批判性地思考, 从不同的角度考虑问题, question, 并查看所有学科领域之间的联系.


Science and engineering in the Lower School build upon students’ most-asked question: “Why?” The experiential, hands-on program stimulates their innate curiosity and introduces them to the fundamentals of life science, physical science, earth science, robotics, coding, and engineering. 孩子们通过观察学会解决问题, predicting, processing, 并分析他们周围世界的数据.

Spanish Language

重点是理解和沟通, Lower School students begin their Spanish language journey in prekindergarten and continue through fourth grade. 通过可预测的程序和仪式,包括日常对话, storytelling, 歌曲和真实的文化体验, 学生成为学习的积极参与者. Along the way, they begin to use key concepts of the language for communication with increased frequency and confidence. Teachers engage students in the rich diversity and heritage of the Spanish-speaking world and strive to connect them with native speakers of the language in a variety of ways.


The primary goal of the Lower School Global Connections program is to help McDonogh’s youngest learners understand that they are an integral part of a vast, 相互联系的全球社区. Students begin to explore the similarities and differences they share with communities around the world. 这种意识对发展善良是至关重要的, 有弹性的学习者和深思熟虑的人, aware citizens. Additionally, 全球联系项目为学生创造了一个有意的空间, faculty, 和员工分享他们自己的文化遗产和传统. This strengthens and celebrates the diverse and inclusive community we strive for in our Mission.


McDonogh's Lower School 教学技术 program is designed to help students become confident and capable navigators of the ever-changing digital universe. 他们学会安全、负责地探索学校管理的资源和应用程序, 与同事和老师进行有效的沟通和合作, 自信地创造和分享他们的作品. Lessons and usage are age-appropriate and align with curriculum in the classroom to enhance  students’ learning.

学前班到prefirst的学生可以在教室里使用ipad, 而一年级到四年级的学生则在使用具有平板电脑功能的chromebook. Internet safety and digital citizenship are a primary focus in the Lower School’s technology curriculum. 

Performing Arts

Students discover the joy of the performing arts and gain a solid foundation for lifelong musical learning and understanding through rhythm, accompaniment, singing, creating, moving, listening, and improvisation. Artists develop innate talents while also discovering previously unknown abilities in an environment that encourages risk-taking and exploration. The Performing Arts program also offers opportunities to collaborate and create with their peers through drama and movement-based activities and explorations. Students who have a desire to grow and hone their musical skills also have the option to enroll in individual music lessons during the school day.

在三年级和四年级, 学生有机会选择额外的表演艺术选修课.  Each session varies, 但是像唱诗班这样的项目, drama, drum corps, strings, and laptop orchestra provide a multitude of experiences that pique students' interests and fuel their passions.

Visual Arts

Curiosity, intuitive thinking, discovery, and exploration are the habits of mind nurtured by the Lower School Visual Arts curriculum. Our youngest artists work to build foundational skills and techniques as they are exposed to a variety of materials, 包括版画, collage, painting, ceramics, sculpture, drawing, and fiber art. 学生学习创造强大的组成和实践使用早期的艺术概念. Artists build familiarity with the elements of art and principles of design as they learn about diverse artists, artistic styles, 以及艺术过程.

在他们后来的艺术旅程中, student-artists are encouraged to pursue their own creative ideas through an artistic process that values self-expression and authenticity. 教室充当他们的美术工作室, 鼓励每位艺术家对材料做出个人选择, style, and subject matter. 工作室时间与艺术家课程相平衡, 新材料的发现, 并探索各种技能, techniques, and reflection. Artists consistently develop their ability to problem-solve, take creative risks, and communicate. Together, they build their artistic community and take care of their shared space and materials.

在三年级和四年级, 学生有机会选择额外的视觉艺术选修课. Each session varies, 但以前提供服务的例子包括木工, finger knitting, drawing and painting, and ceramics.

Physical Education

The goal of physical education is to engage students in physical activity while encouraging collaboration, perseverance, sportsmanship, and team building. The Lower School program also helps students develop and refine gross and fine motor skills. Swimming and horseback riding lessons are included for students in prefirst and grades first through fourth as well. 游戏和活动鼓励积极倾听、分享、合作和享受乐趣!


在明亮诱人的图书馆空间里, 学生通过讲故事时间培养对阅读的深刻欣赏, book talks, 还有引人入胜的研究项目. All grade levels have regularly scheduled class times, but students may check out books anytime. Students are also introduced to the traditional and technological resources that put them in touch with the vast world of information surrounding them.